Kyle McCabe - Coach


CFL1: 2017

As a young lad I began playing sports. Any and all sports, baseball, basketball, football, soccer or anything that kept me active and fed the competitive hunger I craved so badly. I was involved all the way through high school and stopped abruptly after graduating. For all my life all I knew was sports, now I needed something else. Here began my obsession with the gym. I would go multiple times a day every day of the week. I was obsessed with looking in the mirror just to make sure what I was doing in the gym wasn’t wasted. I only went to the gym so I could look good in the mirror. Not to have a healthy heart, or to lengthen my life down the road. I was 6 foot 4 inches and weighing around 225 pounds. This lasted about 3 years, and then I lost that drive and went in the complete opposite direction. I gained 90 pounds, ate uncontrollably, and stopped working out. I had lost complete control. To add to the unhealthiness, I was a cigarette smoker. Eww gross. It was at my highest weight of 315 pounds and 3 more years later that I knew something had to change. I pushed myself to get back to the gym. I had to or else the road I was going down was going to get much worse.

My obsession with my physique had returned, but this time with a purpose. I got back to “pre lazy Kyle” as I used to refer to myself and was on the right track. But yet I began to lose that drive again, the redundant gym sessions of legs, then chest, then biceps. It was like a song on repeat, same routine different week. Until one day some of my friends started talking to me about this stuff they called Crossfit. I was one of those guys “no way am I ever doing Crossfit, it’s dumb and doesn’t work, the gym is way better.” Little did I know how wrong I was.

I decided to give in and try it out just so they would stop bugging me about it. I began Crossfit in July of 2014 and haven’t turned back since. I also smoked my last cigarette in July of 2014. I was given something in Crossfit I didn’t realize could happen where people fitness. Support. Everyone is in there for one reason, to better themselves. Whether bettering themselves physically, mentally, to help with confidence outside of the gym, to start up a drive to prolong life, to hit a goal of losing 50 pounds, to achieve a healthier heart, stronger muscles to help with everyday activities, to kick diabetes. Any aspect of getting better is what we are all striving to achieve and to push for once we walk through those doors.

This is what I needed, and it has given me so much more. Through Crossfit I have gained a healthy and fit way of life. I have gotten that competitive edge back that I longed for after high school. I want to beat my previous day self to get that much closer to my next year self. Through Crossfit I met my beautiful wife Keri, and my amazing group of friends I now consider family. From this family Crossfit Activate was born and they have given me the opportunity to help with this amazing community by coaching and spreading my knowledge of fitness to all those who will listen. I love everyday getting to walk in to help others through coaching. Each day is a different step towards a better life and I am thankful that Gods path he laid down for me had me stepping through those Crossfit doors on that day.

Jessica MeadorsCoach