Donna Gill - Coach


CFL1: 2014
CFL2: 2017

Everyone has their journey or reason why they start CF but I feel like the one reason always leads back to “We all just want to be a better version of ourselves”. I was the girl who would weigh myself multiple times a day, take all the diet pills and try all the fad diets. One time I did the Beyoncé cayenne lemon water diet and didn’t eat for 12 days. (Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking) I would spend hours in the gym but still was never happy with myself. I suffer from anxiety and depression and was put on medication to treat the symptoms but the crazies would still find their way in. I was physically and mentally exhausted. Since finding CrossFit my train of thought around fitness and “dieting” has totally changed. Fitness is being able and strong enough to not only do a CrossFit WOD but carrying that feeling of strength and confidence into your daily life. I no longer “diet” but use food as fuel to get me through the taxing and demanding WODs. I am a 5am WODer and being able to start my day with my crazy family just sets the mood for the day and I’m addicted. It is now the medication I use for my anxiety and depression and it works better then the medication I was getting from the doctors!! As a coach I want to thank you for putting your trust in me to guide you on your journey to be a better version of yourself.

Jessica MeadorsCoach