Alexis King - Coach / Owner


CFL1: 2017

Being healthy and fit is something I have always enjoyed. I don’t have an amazing success story like some, but I do have a journey/story. I lost my father to cancer at a very young age. Not just my father, but all of my biological grandparents as well in a very short span due to different health issues and cancer. This of course has always stuck with me and I want to do everything in my power to live, love, and help others as long as I possibly can! 

Throughout my childhood/ teenage years, I played basketball, ran track, and showed horses. All of this required mental and physical strengths. I loved the competition and being a part of a team. After high school, there was no more team, no more reasons to be competitive, I was missing something. I did the globo gym, ran all the miles, took a few fitness classes but nothing really filled the void I once had. In 2012 I started my career and married my amazing husband, Dallas! Everything was starting to fall into place and my “grown up life” was just beginning.  I needed something that was going to whip me into wedding day shape after this new job and a friend drug me to CrossFit in July of that year. I did my elements class and immediately fell in love! I came home everyday and told Dallas all about it. He always said he couldn’t do it because of shoulder issues and what not, but I managed to drag him out one night for him to watch. He signed up in November right after we got married and the rest is history! 

CrossFit has brought so much to my life. I got that sense of competitiveness, being a part of a team, and have grown so much not just physically but mentally! When I started my career I was the lowest in the company. Today, 6 years later, I now have one of the highest positions in the company! The confidence and self worth I found in myself came from CrossFit. In finding this for myself, I have a passion to help others achieve this as well! Seeing people day in and day out pushing themselves beyond what they thought was their limits not only builds you physically but also mentally. Watching people be successful in the gym, their jobs, and everyday life is something that no one can put into words. The pure joy/happiness I see in our Activate Family makes everything so worth it and I want to do that for everyone! Life is a crazy, yet beautiful journey. I want to help people enjoy it, love it, and live as long as they can!

Jessica MeadorsCoach